Akbar the "Great"
The recently released fictional fairy tale movie, "Jodha Akbar" has stirred the hornet's nest by depicting a period in Indian History when Mughals ruled India. It has started many debates, and has led to many protests across India. The debates and protests pertained to the supposedly misrepresented history, as one cannot tell for sure whether Akbar did or did not marry a rajput princess named Jodhabai. But these protests and debates missed another important point, perhaps which is more important than any other debatable issues about this movie, the portrayal of Akbar as India's emporer and for that matter the mughal rule itself. The following paragraph appears in the Indian History article on wikipedia. " Liberal Muslim kings are also a part of Indian pride. Akbar was a powerful Mughal emperor who admired Hinduism, forged familial and political bonds with Hindu Rajput kings, and developed for the first time in medieval India an environment of religious freedom. A...